Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. now i realise theres a HUGE diff btw new and seasonede strings. cos like my previous set at least got quite a few months liao. actually, i tink those strings have been on for like almost a yr. but den i ystd decided to change all of them lah, considerin i bought the new strings also diff size one. gah now i play i wan to cry can...... gaah. stupid g-string grr.
Monday, August 28, 2006
attempt. its but an attempt.
yes. dats all there is to it isnt it?
try, try, and try again.
when u don succeed, try again.
so try i try.
i guess that really has been what its all about.
always trying.
but there lies a paradox of sorts isnt it?
u keep trying,
you never fail, you never succeed.
you jus keep trying.
then, ask ureself,
wad EXACTly are u trying for?
honestly, i'm quite as lost as u are.
yea yea yea so you say it over and over again.
honestly, i tink i'm too nice for my own good.
or rather, somehow i jus cant let it all go even when i want to.
its painful u noe.
much like a fucking vicious cycle,
it all comes back to haunt all of us.
ouch my insides are hurting.
i want, yet i don want.
i know, yet i don know.
its all very confusing.
i haven felt this way since i dunno when lah.
a matter of neither here nor there,
jus someone right in between.
its like, i can never be sure.
its all me, its all me.
gah i'm too confused lah.
happy, but confused.
in a nice sort of way.
try, try, and try again.
when u don succeed, try again.
so try i try.
i guess that really has been what its all about.
always trying.
but there lies a paradox of sorts isnt it?
u keep trying,
you never fail, you never succeed.
you jus keep trying.
then, ask ureself,
wad EXACTly are u trying for?
honestly, i'm quite as lost as u are.
yea yea yea so you say it over and over again.
honestly, i tink i'm too nice for my own good.
or rather, somehow i jus cant let it all go even when i want to.
its painful u noe.
much like a fucking vicious cycle,
it all comes back to haunt all of us.
ouch my insides are hurting.
i want, yet i don want.
i know, yet i don know.
its all very confusing.
i haven felt this way since i dunno when lah.
a matter of neither here nor there,
jus someone right in between.
its like, i can never be sure.
its all me, its all me.
gah i'm too confused lah.
happy, but confused.
in a nice sort of way.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
in the middle of the night...
yes h yes h yes h
i really really really really really cant wait for the damn eoys to end. cos after i can start spammin my guit like free liddat. haha. and prob daniel's/lester's too, considerin we gotta prac for prom ><><
i really really really really really cant wait for the damn eoys to end. cos after i can start spammin my guit like free liddat. haha. and prob daniel's/lester's too, considerin we gotta prac for prom ><><
in the middle of the night...
yes h yes h yes h
i really really really really really cant wait for the damn eoys to end. cos after i can start spammin my guit like free liddat. haha. and prob daniel's/lester's too, considerin we gotta prac for prom >< hahahaha.
ok so so anyhow, i am feeling very strange. cos for ocne in my life i am actually feeling inspired to study. i mean, i actually now want to study. not mug, study.
this is sooooo scary. ><
i really really really really really cant wait for the damn eoys to end. cos after i can start spammin my guit like free liddat. haha. and prob daniel's/lester's too, considerin we gotta prac for prom >< hahahaha.
ok so so anyhow, i am feeling very strange. cos for ocne in my life i am actually feeling inspired to study. i mean, i actually now want to study. not mug, study.
this is sooooo scary. ><
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
if u dont dont why dont u say so
YAY. i am very happy. cos i passed my maths test, did my chem test, and now there are no more tests until the eoys!!!! wooo! and oso for some unknown reason i feel inspired to study. like really. freaky man.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
fuck u u bitch, i dont want u back
argh i am gonna start a kill dilana the bitch campaign. serious she is officially shit. rawr. i hate her lah. so bitch. no sense of respect wadsoeva. she shld jus go die.
i am now officially supporting ryan all the wayyyy!!!!! haha with lukas close behind. i haf this freaky notion of goin to prom lukas-y. it'd be damn fun.
and after lit i finally realised the term for wad i am. self-indulgent ><
i am now officially supporting ryan all the wayyyy!!!!! haha with lukas close behind. i haf this freaky notion of goin to prom lukas-y. it'd be damn fun.
and after lit i finally realised the term for wad i am. self-indulgent ><
i need to start worrying really
waha so i went aaron's blog are saw the uber funny quiz thing and hence messed with it myself check out these shit ><:
like O_O
hm quite true actually :P
muhahaha spielberg ^^
uh, okaay. carrot top??
story of my life really...
check it out 0% scientific!!!!!!
uhhh, ok. wad the fuck.
dessy -- [adjective]: Sexually stunning 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
like O_O
dessy -- [noun]: A person who laughs at anything (even this entry) 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
hm quite true actually :P
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
muhahaha spielberg ^^
What crazy thing will be your demise? | |
A ticket to see Carrot Top live in Vegas | |
... (why?) | |
Because you sold your soul to satan to get possesion of it | |
'What crazy thing will be your demise?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
uh, okaay. carrot top??
You are 66% Emo You are pretty Emo. You like the music, styles and way of life but it doesn’t really control your life. There is more to you than just another cute Emo face. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
story of my life really...
Death through drugs/alcohol You are going to die drowning after drinking too much/doing too many drugs. Dying like all of the greatest rockers – because you live like one. You like to party and experiment with perception. Rock on hippie. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
You fit in with: Humanism Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations. 0% scientific. 60% reason-oriented. | ||||
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
check it out 0% scientific!!!!!!
uhhh, ok. wad the fuck.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
burn it down
i realise, i am a person who doesnt like loose ends. in fact, i hate them. i absolutely loath leaving things hanging. which is why when people say smthn or i hear smthn, i always want to at least come to some conclusion about it. and i hate it when people give the look, hte "hehe i know smthn that u don haha" look. ok so i do that also >< i mean, when people asy smthn den never really explain wad they mean or wad, its jus weird for me, cos i don like to guess. either i know, or i don. in betweens suck. but hey, my lifes an in between. hooray.
hm i shall go on a bloggin hiatus. like maybe 2 days or smthn. smile bitch
hm i shall go on a bloggin hiatus. like maybe 2 days or smthn. smile bitch
Monday, August 21, 2006
or am i part of the disease
if you're lost you can look and you will find me...
ok i am very bored, haf a lit essay and assignment to do, a chem prac report, maths, and wadeva shit else there is. point is, i don wanna do nuts. so i shall do smthn else! wee. (ok i don tink i'm makign sense. wadeva. when did i ever make sense aniwae?) ok so what shall i do? i shall do a 'quiz'!! yay!! woohoo!! and i figured it shall be a music related quiz haha.
The one song that...
makes you want to puke everytime its played: stars are blind. like woohoo.
makes u tink of killing someone: you're beautiful. no contest here.
inspires you: hotel california (live). up till now it still is sooo damn good.
is complete nonsense: lemon tree. like wtf? i turn around, upside down? dats now even right...
makes you want to jump for joy: the victorian anthem after some occasion. :D
best represents you: hmmm. half my life creep half my life scars.
gives you goosebumps everytime u hear it: bohemian rhapsody (live at freddy mecury tribute concert) jus listen to the friggin crowd.
makes you laugh: i want to ride my bicycle. hahahahaha.
keeps you awake no matter what: curses. or bohemian rhapsody. so much for one song eh?
best describes ure best friend: hmmm. scars? :P haha actually no i tink everytime is more apt. maybe.
least describes you: hahaha. um, you're beautiful? haha kidding. i'm not gay. i dunno really. if you could only see o.0
the ________ bunch of lyrics ever:
dumbest: "don wanna be an american idiot" must i elaborate?
lamest: "i want to hold ure handdddddd..." sorry but it is jus very lame.
most meaningless: "Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango." uh like ok wadeva. its still a fantastic song nonetheless.
most meaningful:
ok lets do plurals.
5 sweet songs:
nothing compares to you - the lyrics are nice.
truly madly deeply - aiya i've loved this song since like i was 10 or smthn...
blind - haha i jus luv this song too much. its not even thaaat sweet i tink. but hey hu cares?
save tonight - i especially like the rockapella version. so nice x)
i don wanna miss a thing - how can u not love this song??
5 songs that makes u wan to dance:
crazy little thing called love. how could u not??
take me out. like duuuuh.
the middle. the chorus is very danceble.
i like to move it - :D
i want you - savage garden - =)))))) hehe.
5 songs that are SERIOUSLY overplayed at some point in time:
the reason. 100% winner. i swear i use to hear it every hour or less.
hips don lie. grrr.
danicalifornia. -.- i cant stand the song really.
makedamnsure - anf for good reason :D
these walls. gah.
the song(s) for the ______:
nerds: the geeks get the girl :D
rockers(?): aiya so many lah.
depressed: pieces, i miss you, mistaken, hate me, november rain, and so so many much more
happy: jump by the faders haha.
losers: haha got so many lah.
punk wannabes: sk8er b0i. or however its written.
sensitive person in you: losing my religion by ryan star. wooooots.
gah i'm too tired to tink. hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ok i am very bored, haf a lit essay and assignment to do, a chem prac report, maths, and wadeva shit else there is. point is, i don wanna do nuts. so i shall do smthn else! wee. (ok i don tink i'm makign sense. wadeva. when did i ever make sense aniwae?) ok so what shall i do? i shall do a 'quiz'!! yay!! woohoo!! and i figured it shall be a music related quiz haha.
The one song that...
makes you want to puke everytime its played: stars are blind. like woohoo.
makes u tink of killing someone: you're beautiful. no contest here.
inspires you: hotel california (live). up till now it still is sooo damn good.
is complete nonsense: lemon tree. like wtf? i turn around, upside down? dats now even right...
makes you want to jump for joy: the victorian anthem after some occasion. :D
best represents you: hmmm. half my life creep half my life scars.
gives you goosebumps everytime u hear it: bohemian rhapsody (live at freddy mecury tribute concert) jus listen to the friggin crowd.
makes you laugh: i want to ride my bicycle. hahahahaha.
keeps you awake no matter what: curses. or bohemian rhapsody. so much for one song eh?
best describes ure best friend: hmmm. scars? :P haha actually no i tink everytime is more apt. maybe.
least describes you: hahaha. um, you're beautiful? haha kidding. i'm not gay. i dunno really. if you could only see o.0
the ________ bunch of lyrics ever:
dumbest: "don wanna be an american idiot" must i elaborate?
lamest: "i want to hold ure handdddddd..." sorry but it is jus very lame.
most meaningless: "Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango." uh like ok wadeva. its still a fantastic song nonetheless.
most meaningful:
ok lets do plurals.
5 sweet songs:
nothing compares to you - the lyrics are nice.
truly madly deeply - aiya i've loved this song since like i was 10 or smthn...
blind - haha i jus luv this song too much. its not even thaaat sweet i tink. but hey hu cares?
save tonight - i especially like the rockapella version. so nice x)
i don wanna miss a thing - how can u not love this song??
5 songs that makes u wan to dance:
crazy little thing called love. how could u not??
take me out. like duuuuh.
the middle. the chorus is very danceble.
i like to move it - :D
i want you - savage garden - =)))))) hehe.
5 songs that are SERIOUSLY overplayed at some point in time:
the reason. 100% winner. i swear i use to hear it every hour or less.
hips don lie. grrr.
danicalifornia. -.- i cant stand the song really.
makedamnsure - anf for good reason :D
these walls. gah.
the song(s) for the ______:
nerds: the geeks get the girl :D
rockers(?): aiya so many lah.
depressed: pieces, i miss you, mistaken, hate me, november rain, and so so many much more
happy: jump by the faders haha.
losers: haha got so many lah.
punk wannabes: sk8er b0i. or however its written.
sensitive person in you: losing my religion by ryan star. wooooots.
gah i'm too tired to tink. hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
yes i have strange urges.
i realise, i am a very impulsive person. i eat impulsively, i shop impulsively, or rather i buy impulsively, i talk impulsive, i act impulsively, i basically lead life very impulsively. is this a good or bad thing? i dunno. sometimes its good, sometimes its bad, but many a time its just somewhere in between. thats it then. my life is in like eternal limbo. wee.
and i get cramps too wtf.
i realise, i am a very impulsive person. i eat impulsively, i shop impulsively, or rather i buy impulsively, i talk impulsive, i act impulsively, i basically lead life very impulsively. is this a good or bad thing? i dunno. sometimes its good, sometimes its bad, but many a time its just somewhere in between. thats it then. my life is in like eternal limbo. wee.
and i get cramps too wtf.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
say yes, say no. jus dont say maybe.
its quite true isnt it?
and it not necessarily love or wadeva.
even jus friendship.
its jus i realise, i guess everything it all takes some time.
thing is, do you have that time to give?
or are u willing to wait?
patience afterall, is a virtue.
obviously, absolutes are a dangerous thing.
can one deal in absolutes?
is able able to do so?
u noe, forever isnt that long.
but den again, maybe it is.
u ask me if its worth it.
till now, i still dont know.
as i burn another page...
its quite true isnt it?
and it not necessarily love or wadeva.
even jus friendship.
its jus i realise, i guess everything it all takes some time.
thing is, do you have that time to give?
or are u willing to wait?
patience afterall, is a virtue.
obviously, absolutes are a dangerous thing.
can one deal in absolutes?
is able able to do so?
u noe, forever isnt that long.
but den again, maybe it is.
u ask me if its worth it.
till now, i still dont know.
as i burn another page...
lemon trees suck
gah i haf jus remembered lemons suck xP. ok actually when i eat made to come anywhere remotely close to a lemon my face is more like X( muhaha. lemons are painful u noe. afterall, its acidic. ><
so when life gives u lemons? smile (:
and noe smthn. to give someone the finger and to finger someone is VERY different. jus so we all are clear.
so when life gives u lemons? smile (:
and noe smthn. to give someone the finger and to finger someone is VERY different. jus so we all are clear.
cleaning out my closet
or rather, the skeletons in my closet that doesnt exist.
aye i have jus cleared all my neoprints from my wallet. they shall now move to somewhere in my hse safe. why? i oso dunno. feel like it. today i'm in the mood to change the world.
bite me.
aye i have jus cleared all my neoprints from my wallet. they shall now move to somewhere in my hse safe. why? i oso dunno. feel like it. today i'm in the mood to change the world.
bite me.
um, yea. so i do. so wad?
fuck. i am so screwed... haiz.
i haf loads of work to do.
sip, lit, maths, chem, wad not,
and most importantly, STUDYING.
yet wad do i end up doin?
i play nba live. like -.-
i am so seriously screwed like really.
yep i tink i'm mentally pretty fucked up.
now as i am,
i'm getting tired of school.
i'm tired or work.
i'm tired of playing games.
i'm tired of the air-con.
as of now i am also quite tired of the damn fan.
i need something, anything.
for me to hold on to,
for me to get me through.
honestly? i dont haf very much.
and sometimes,
i guess what i haf jus doesnt cut it.
it jus isnt enough.
i love my music,
but if i cant translate even a minute percentage of that into my work,
its pointless.
i mean, i'm now listening to a playlist if ballads.
i don really understand why.
i'm doing things i never did,
yet i dunno if i works.
rather, i dunno if it can work.
maybe, maybe its jus too late.
i find it very ironic and thus saddenning,
that it always seems as if one can never apply the advice one gives others to oneself.
if i could, i wouldnt be the way i am today.
would i?
or maybe i was meant to be this way.
god's little game of reality.
pawn, bishop, knights, even king?
forget it. titles don matter,
cos after all, ure all jus little stupid chess pieces.
i haf loads of work to do.
sip, lit, maths, chem, wad not,
and most importantly, STUDYING.
yet wad do i end up doin?
i play nba live. like -.-
i am so seriously screwed like really.
yep i tink i'm mentally pretty fucked up.
now as i am,
i'm getting tired of school.
i'm tired or work.
i'm tired of playing games.
i'm tired of the air-con.
as of now i am also quite tired of the damn fan.
i need something, anything.
for me to hold on to,
for me to get me through.
honestly? i dont haf very much.
and sometimes,
i guess what i haf jus doesnt cut it.
it jus isnt enough.
i love my music,
but if i cant translate even a minute percentage of that into my work,
its pointless.
i mean, i'm now listening to a playlist if ballads.
i don really understand why.
i'm doing things i never did,
yet i dunno if i works.
rather, i dunno if it can work.
maybe, maybe its jus too late.
i find it very ironic and thus saddenning,
that it always seems as if one can never apply the advice one gives others to oneself.
if i could, i wouldnt be the way i am today.
would i?
or maybe i was meant to be this way.
god's little game of reality.
pawn, bishop, knights, even king?
forget it. titles don matter,
cos after all, ure all jus little stupid chess pieces.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
many many more days in time...
if people are loving you to bits,
what then is the fair and/or right thing to do?
do you allow yourself the possibility to be hurt?
or do you prevent ureself from feeling the pain all over again?
den again, is there a real need to choose?
you know the answer,
its all about having the will to follow through.
what then is the fair and/or right thing to do?
do you allow yourself the possibility to be hurt?
or do you prevent ureself from feeling the pain all over again?
den again, is there a real need to choose?
you know the answer,
its all about having the will to follow through.
someday you will know
ouch i jus sat on my belt. ok today was is a very good day. haha. yay. today i went to the library intendin to study, and actually i did manage to study abit. like probability and stats. which is actually very little. however, it was a very productive because i learnt many things. =) hahahaha. den aniwae i pang sehed visa ('s band) instead to go arcade and take neos. not that i regret it because i haf at last found the best neopriint machine ever!!! muhahahaha. wtf was spammin like free liddat... bwah. but i am very sad because like 2 games of ddr i could haf easily gotten a 100% combo, budden screw it up like free liddat lah GAH. rule of ddr: never look at the other's person screen. bah. and crabs are nice ^^
i'm so happy, cos today i found my frens...
yeah yeah... yeah yeah yeah....
yeah yeah... yeah yeah yeah...
i'm so happy, cos today i found my frens...
yeah yeah... yeah yeah yeah....
yeah yeah... yeah yeah yeah...
Friday, August 18, 2006
i fell into a burning ring of fire...
...and i came out feeling all so strange. \\
YAY. today is a good day. today the floorball guys won!!! haha yea yea i am happy. the girls got second due to some super underhand tactics and fucked up officailling, but hey wad can we do. i quote: "cheating gets it faster" - get it faster, jimmy eat world. haha how true. anyway the guys match was quite exciting, and when i was playing somehow i felt things were right. i tink i really pushed myself very hard, and liek fight for the ball lah. and actually it did get rather physical and some points but hey dats where all the fun is rite? haha. and yah lah today i tink i was quite on form, didnt lose the ball that much dribbling. and my tackling today was qutie gd, so i'm happy!! haha.
anyway many yays to everyone that took part in invigorate, and also to the pple hu organised it. YAY. wootso.
YAY. today is a good day. today the floorball guys won!!! haha yea yea i am happy. the girls got second due to some super underhand tactics and fucked up officailling, but hey wad can we do. i quote: "cheating gets it faster" - get it faster, jimmy eat world. haha how true. anyway the guys match was quite exciting, and when i was playing somehow i felt things were right. i tink i really pushed myself very hard, and liek fight for the ball lah. and actually it did get rather physical and some points but hey dats where all the fun is rite? haha. and yah lah today i tink i was quite on form, didnt lose the ball that much dribbling. and my tackling today was qutie gd, so i'm happy!! haha.
anyway many yays to everyone that took part in invigorate, and also to the pple hu organised it. YAY. wootso.
my little black book
yes my little black book.
know wad? i love my little black book.
its my little black book,
where i store fragments of my life,
why i write all knds of rubbish,
and in between some sense.
my little black book,
it is rather precious.
indeed, there are secrets in there,
things most people do not know,
but hey? who cares rite?
my life is boring and lame and pointless,
and most of all, no one really gives a fuck.
but guess wad? i don give a fuck either!!
so my little black book,
its my little escape from reality.
its my saviour from the evil clutches of doom,
otherwise known as bio or evil chi talks.
haha, my little black book talks.
i wonder, if i ever lost my little black book,
would i cry?
honestly, i dont tink so.
in terms of pure content alone,
my little pink book was substantially more...important.
there was more in that little pink book.
but why do i even bother?
its quite simple really.
i want to remember.
simple as that.
i'm quite the reminiscer u noe...
i need a means of actually storing my memories,
cos my brain certainly fails on that aspect.
its something of a diary,
if less organised,
and theres more stuff inside.
like bio and ss notes and song lyrics which suck.
oh and btw, anyone wants to get me a new little black book? my current one is gonna die soon.
on the verge of madness and i'm still lost
know wad? i love my little black book.
its my little black book,
where i store fragments of my life,
why i write all knds of rubbish,
and in between some sense.
my little black book,
it is rather precious.
indeed, there are secrets in there,
things most people do not know,
but hey? who cares rite?
my life is boring and lame and pointless,
and most of all, no one really gives a fuck.
but guess wad? i don give a fuck either!!
so my little black book,
its my little escape from reality.
its my saviour from the evil clutches of doom,
otherwise known as bio or evil chi talks.
haha, my little black book talks.
i wonder, if i ever lost my little black book,
would i cry?
honestly, i dont tink so.
in terms of pure content alone,
my little pink book was substantially more...important.
there was more in that little pink book.
but why do i even bother?
its quite simple really.
i want to remember.
simple as that.
i'm quite the reminiscer u noe...
i need a means of actually storing my memories,
cos my brain certainly fails on that aspect.
its something of a diary,
if less organised,
and theres more stuff inside.
like bio and ss notes and song lyrics which suck.
oh and btw, anyone wants to get me a new little black book? my current one is gonna die soon.
on the verge of madness and i'm still lost
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i was helpless as u turned around to leave
have u ever felt that way?
so helpless, knowing there ure very best,
it never was enough.
have u sometimes wondered if its worth it?
u want something so bad,
but try as u might,
it is just always that little bit more.
stretch u say. but its still always jus out of ure grasp.
its quite ironic, when its not the loss that really hurts.
what sucks the most, its the almosts.
i almost made it,
it almost could have been.
have u ever had thoughts like these?
i'm sure u have. everyone does.
so lets all make out and die.
so helpless, knowing there ure very best,
it never was enough.
have u sometimes wondered if its worth it?
u want something so bad,
but try as u might,
it is just always that little bit more.
stretch u say. but its still always jus out of ure grasp.
its quite ironic, when its not the loss that really hurts.
what sucks the most, its the almosts.
i almost made it,
it almost could have been.
have u ever had thoughts like these?
i'm sure u have. everyone does.
so lets all make out and die.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
how come.
lol this is a very interestin quiz i'm rippin of someone's blog.
1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. (me: o.0 okaaaay)
How am I feeling today? nerdy - busted. (O_O and ima gonna stud y bio later wtf)
Will I get far in life? stan - eminem (?)
How do my friends see me? everybody's fool - evanescence (aiyo. lidaat ah...)
Where will I get married? whiney whiney? ok i go next song. spin - lifehouse (uh, right)
What is my best friend's theme song? kiss and make up - funeral for a freind (how apt)
What is the story of my life? geek in the pink (O_O O_O O_O wow. my ipod is like alive or smthn)
What is/was high school like? you gang. uh k next. sucker train blues - velvet revolver (hmmmm)
How can I get ahead in life? taking over me - evanesence (wtf)
What is the best thing about me? californiacation - rhcp (uh, okaay. lets try the next one? whatever - oasis. omg i seriously tink my ipod is alive or smthn)
What is today going to be like? screenwriting an apology - hawthorne heights (uh, i doubt it :D)
aha so thats it. >< i wonder how it'd be like if i actually used my library. i'd be getting MUCH werider stuff. beh.
What is in store for this weekend?
What song describes my parent(s)?
To describe my grandparents?
How is my life going?
How does the world see me?
Will I have a happy life?
What do my friends really think of me?
Do people secretly lust after me?
How can I make myself happy?
What should I do with my life?
1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. (me: o.0 okaaaay)
How am I feeling today? nerdy - busted. (O_O and ima gonna stud y bio later wtf)
Will I get far in life? stan - eminem (?)
How do my friends see me? everybody's fool - evanescence (aiyo. lidaat ah...)
Where will I get married? whiney whiney? ok i go next song. spin - lifehouse (uh, right)
What is my best friend's theme song? kiss and make up - funeral for a freind (how apt)
What is the story of my life? geek in the pink (O_O O_O O_O wow. my ipod is like alive or smthn)
What is/was high school like? you gang. uh k next. sucker train blues - velvet revolver (hmmmm)
How can I get ahead in life? taking over me - evanesence (wtf)
What is the best thing about me? californiacation - rhcp (uh, okaay. lets try the next one? whatever - oasis. omg i seriously tink my ipod is alive or smthn)
What is today going to be like? screenwriting an apology - hawthorne heights (uh, i doubt it :D)
aha so thats it. >< i wonder how it'd be like if i actually used my library. i'd be getting MUCH werider stuff. beh.
What is in store for this weekend?
What song describes my parent(s)?
To describe my grandparents?
How is my life going?
How does the world see me?
Will I have a happy life?
What do my friends really think of me?
Do people secretly lust after me?
How can I make myself happy?
What should I do with my life?
i'm too sexy for our love
woots seriously i am toooo good for nba live man. chek this shit out.
game 1 i (me in the gamr) shot a shitty 0.185%. its soo crappy its sad. like 4/25 or smthn. now check out game 2:

now THATS too good. haha. i mean wtf 13 steals?? mike james is wayyy noob. 12 of those steals were on him. and its like inbounds dribble to half court steal fast break lay up. 12 times!!! it did get borin after awhile >< and my shootin % inscreased like amillion fold. from 0.185 - p.889!! woohoo.
now check this out for a l33t backcourt :P

seriously we're too good... muhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha.
nb. honestly our stats aint very gd. i'm 79 he's 77. so its not that i made myself super imba. the imba one is henry lah. 92 -.-
game 1 i (me in the gamr) shot a shitty 0.185%. its soo crappy its sad. like 4/25 or smthn. now check out game 2:

now THATS too good. haha. i mean wtf 13 steals?? mike james is wayyy noob. 12 of those steals were on him. and its like inbounds dribble to half court steal fast break lay up. 12 times!!! it did get borin after awhile >< and my shootin % inscreased like amillion fold. from 0.185 - p.889!! woohoo.
now check this out for a l33t backcourt :P

seriously we're too good... muhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha.
nb. honestly our stats aint very gd. i'm 79 he's 77. so its not that i made myself super imba. the imba one is henry lah. 92 -.-
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
pop rock or rock pop?
in light of the discussion on pea's blog/tagboard, singapore idol and rockstar supernova, i wish to discuss the issue of music. specifically singer talent search shows and the kind of music they sing.
firstly, lets make it VERY VERY VERY clear. IDOL IS POP. period. which is why chris was never gonna win. which explains why kelly, ruben, fantasia and carrie won ai. they are pop through and through. whilst there are the odd weirdos aka chris, abotu everything about ai and any other i is pop. jus look at the song selections/themes. u haf a barry manilow week. u haf an elvis wk. u haf a jazz wk. u haf a billbaords wk. they are clear indications of how poppish idol is. not that it is a bad thing per se. but when they start mixing it all up, dats when it starts to suck big time.
-cue singapore idol music thingy-
deng deng deng! singapore idol!!!!! by far one of the biggest jokes in television history for as long as i can rmb. honestly, i think the producers, contestants, judges and viewers alike are getting it very wrong. they are all messed up in the head. cant they understand the show is to find the nest POP idol?? wad the hell the original was called POP IDOL!!! den wad do we get? beng wannabes who cant speak properly, pple with perpetual bad hair days who tink avril is "rocker!!!" and who tink flickin their hair once every 5 secs is cool. wad. the. fuck. i mean helloooooooo jsu take last season for example. taufik won. (yay hehe =D). my point is that he won because of his pop appeal. like duh syl-rockeryeayeabeng-vester never would have been allowed to win. i'd bet they would doctor the votes jus to make sure he doesnt win. because of one reason and one reason only. HE CANNOT SELL. in singapore, there is one very simple rule of music. rock does not sell. only pop does. which is why u haf genie (-.-""""""), now wad kaira gong, even the whole stef sun tanya chia thing. they are all pop. ok so wads so appalling about singapore idol is that some of them contestants tink they can win by being "cool" and "rocker". ala rahimah paul sly. firstly, they prob tink greenday is rock. WHICH BY THE WAY THE FUCKING ARE NOT. secondly, their attempts to dress rocker fail terribly. (jus like someone else heh :P) i mean, the glove stuff and net shirts and wad not? they scream wannabe mroe than they scream rock.
ok i don claim to know wad rock is all about and stuff, but i believe i have seen enuff true rock to tell the rockers from the wannabe rockers.
so aniwae it is very sad how they try so had. u haf sly singing "i don wanna miss a thang!! jea jea jea" (zao siaing somewhere of course), den u haf paul twohill singing wad my sac. scrwe him. oh yea yea my favouratest example of all. rahimah going: "i'm rocker!!!"......"and tonight i shall be singing avril lavigne." honestly, when i heard dat i jus died. like my brain exploded adn my guts all burst, so blood came quirting out of the tips of my fingers and toes and my small intestines started coming out of my ears. point is, i died. avril is to pop as sven goren eriksson is to winning. THEY ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!! grrr.
as the whole world should know, the one place to find true rock, AND good singing on tv, is rockstar supernova. seriously if u wan to noe smthn of wad a rocker's life is like, watch that show. at least those pple understand wad rock truly is. AND they can sing ALOT better den those toots on anything i. and the best part of all? u actually get good music. u don get no barry manilow theme -.- u get losing my religion and creep. now THATS music at its best. somewhat.
and considerin all these shows aim to find the best singer amongst them all, i tink its quite sad and telling when any of the rockers on rockstar, vocally, could prob make the idol top 3. americas. singapore's they'd be too good to join. again i stress vocally. cos they couldnt cut it as pop. look at the rock bands that tried going pop. gnr, creed, all fucked themverygoodselves up upside down. and hey if ure lookin for rags to riched stories ala carrie underwood, rockstar is THE place to go. u got pple who leave home at 16 and live on teh streets ever since ala lukas, u haf pple born in africa hus parents travel to the land of hope for hope, ala dilana. u get the likes.
so, DOWN WITH IDOL. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT.
firstly, lets make it VERY VERY VERY clear. IDOL IS POP. period. which is why chris was never gonna win. which explains why kelly, ruben, fantasia and carrie won ai. they are pop through and through. whilst there are the odd weirdos aka chris, abotu everything about ai and any other i is pop. jus look at the song selections/themes. u haf a barry manilow week. u haf an elvis wk. u haf a jazz wk. u haf a billbaords wk. they are clear indications of how poppish idol is. not that it is a bad thing per se. but when they start mixing it all up, dats when it starts to suck big time.
-cue singapore idol music thingy-
deng deng deng! singapore idol!!!!! by far one of the biggest jokes in television history for as long as i can rmb. honestly, i think the producers, contestants, judges and viewers alike are getting it very wrong. they are all messed up in the head. cant they understand the show is to find the nest POP idol?? wad the hell the original was called POP IDOL!!! den wad do we get? beng wannabes who cant speak properly, pple with perpetual bad hair days who tink avril is "rocker!!!" and who tink flickin their hair once every 5 secs is cool. wad. the. fuck. i mean helloooooooo jsu take last season for example. taufik won. (yay hehe =D). my point is that he won because of his pop appeal. like duh syl-rockeryeayeabeng-vester never would have been allowed to win. i'd bet they would doctor the votes jus to make sure he doesnt win. because of one reason and one reason only. HE CANNOT SELL. in singapore, there is one very simple rule of music. rock does not sell. only pop does. which is why u haf genie (-.-""""""), now wad kaira gong, even the whole stef sun tanya chia thing. they are all pop. ok so wads so appalling about singapore idol is that some of them contestants tink they can win by being "cool" and "rocker". ala rahimah paul sly. firstly, they prob tink greenday is rock. WHICH BY THE WAY THE FUCKING ARE NOT. secondly, their attempts to dress rocker fail terribly. (jus like someone else heh :P) i mean, the glove stuff and net shirts and wad not? they scream wannabe mroe than they scream rock.
ok i don claim to know wad rock is all about and stuff, but i believe i have seen enuff true rock to tell the rockers from the wannabe rockers.
so aniwae it is very sad how they try so had. u haf sly singing "i don wanna miss a thang!! jea jea jea" (zao siaing somewhere of course), den u haf paul twohill singing wad my sac. scrwe him. oh yea yea my favouratest example of all. rahimah going: "i'm rocker!!!"......"and tonight i shall be singing avril lavigne." honestly, when i heard dat i jus died. like my brain exploded adn my guts all burst, so blood came quirting out of the tips of my fingers and toes and my small intestines started coming out of my ears. point is, i died. avril is to pop as sven goren eriksson is to winning. THEY ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!! grrr.
as the whole world should know, the one place to find true rock, AND good singing on tv, is rockstar supernova. seriously if u wan to noe smthn of wad a rocker's life is like, watch that show. at least those pple understand wad rock truly is. AND they can sing ALOT better den those toots on anything i. and the best part of all? u actually get good music. u don get no barry manilow theme -.- u get losing my religion and creep. now THATS music at its best. somewhat.
and considerin all these shows aim to find the best singer amongst them all, i tink its quite sad and telling when any of the rockers on rockstar, vocally, could prob make the idol top 3. americas. singapore's they'd be too good to join. again i stress vocally. cos they couldnt cut it as pop. look at the rock bands that tried going pop. gnr, creed, all fucked themverygoodselves up upside down. and hey if ure lookin for rags to riched stories ala carrie underwood, rockstar is THE place to go. u got pple who leave home at 16 and live on teh streets ever since ala lukas, u haf pple born in africa hus parents travel to the land of hope for hope, ala dilana. u get the likes.
so, DOWN WITH IDOL. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT.
char siew rice man
disclaimer: this has notin wadsoever to do with the stupid bar chor mee man. grr i am taking to disliking mr brown.
in the wake of the recent hoohah otherwise known as national day, i have taken to thinking about....our country!!! like wow. but i have formulated some questions to ask, mainly about ourselves.
firstly, have u ever wondered wad exactly is the point of the national day parade? i mean, its the nation's bdae, and i suppose we all throw parties, in this case a party for 60,000 and all those watching at home. but what exactly is the point of a parade? i would tink in the past, like jus after independence, the parade was probably used as a means to provide the citizens with something to be proud of. like you know our very wonderful army and navy and pap and scouts, and the l33t weapons and stuff we haf. its like how north korea like sends out all their tanks. the same idea. ure giving pple confidence i guess. also, it was a time to reflect about our past, smthn i believe reiterated in every yr's parade. 40 yrs ago, this was a brilliant idea. now? not so.
why go i say this? the first reason i offer is the fact that singapore has developed into a global nation (sad reference as this is). its true. we have become global, so much so many pple are losing their national identity. 40 yrs ago, singapore was jus born. everyone felt part of this great undertaking. seriously, i'd bet any person above 60 here in singapore is probably wayyy more patriotic den the normal 15 yr old. so, we must then question the relevence of the national parade then. is there any more need for this reinforcement of our national identity with the use of a parade? i hardly think so. instead, i tink there might be a reverse effect, in the sense that people start seeing the whole fiasco and somewhat contrived, and hence pointless . secondly, the nature of the parade has indeed evolved. whilst it was a simple military march pass some performance thing yrs ago, it has become a full fledged spectacle nowadays. when i watch the parade, such as this year's, i couldnt help but notice how much it seemed like a pop concert, complete with a singer, music, dancers, a choir, even drummers. it has become a show, literally. even the fighter jet stuff and especially the fireworks, i somehow feel that it is slowly losing the essence of what the parade should be about.
during this period of time, i have also realised something else. almost every coffee shop, and hence everywhere, one goes, one is bound to find a char siew rice stall. even if it is usually coupled with chicker rice. have u ever wondered where the term "char siew rice" evolved from? whilst yes in chi it is shao rou fan, in english it is technically speaking rice with roasted pork, or in broken english roasted pork rice. so where does "char siew rice" fit in, if its neither english nor chinese? my guess (no i have not bothered to do any research), is that it is a literal translation from some dialect. ok so my hokkien/cantonese is pretty much shitty, but dat doesnt really matter. what matters is this: we singaporeans have made it such that "char siew rice" is now a more appropriate term to call the dish than roasted pork rice. what does this represent? i belief this can be linked back to the issue of national identity. as much as the government is trying to create/enforce a national identity, it is eveidently not working. changing the national day song serves no purpose other than to advertise for some new singer. what i tink the government doesnt realise is that our true national identity lies in the smaller things in life. the char siew rice, the kua chap, the milo peng, the wa laus and the lahs. i believe the government should not try to stamp out these "indications" of a uncivilised or backward country, because it does afterall represent who we are. why is mr brown so popular? it is because he does wad the government doesnt. he brings it down to the pple. they can relate to him unlike the government. is the government is serious about building a nation with a strong national identity, i believe they would fare better not trying to act like a foreign country.
one people, one nation, one singapura, lah.
in the wake of the recent hoohah otherwise known as national day, i have taken to thinking about....our country!!! like wow. but i have formulated some questions to ask, mainly about ourselves.
firstly, have u ever wondered wad exactly is the point of the national day parade? i mean, its the nation's bdae, and i suppose we all throw parties, in this case a party for 60,000 and all those watching at home. but what exactly is the point of a parade? i would tink in the past, like jus after independence, the parade was probably used as a means to provide the citizens with something to be proud of. like you know our very wonderful army and navy and pap and scouts, and the l33t weapons and stuff we haf. its like how north korea like sends out all their tanks. the same idea. ure giving pple confidence i guess. also, it was a time to reflect about our past, smthn i believe reiterated in every yr's parade. 40 yrs ago, this was a brilliant idea. now? not so.
why go i say this? the first reason i offer is the fact that singapore has developed into a global nation (sad reference as this is). its true. we have become global, so much so many pple are losing their national identity. 40 yrs ago, singapore was jus born. everyone felt part of this great undertaking. seriously, i'd bet any person above 60 here in singapore is probably wayyy more patriotic den the normal 15 yr old. so, we must then question the relevence of the national parade then. is there any more need for this reinforcement of our national identity with the use of a parade? i hardly think so. instead, i tink there might be a reverse effect, in the sense that people start seeing the whole fiasco and somewhat contrived, and hence pointless . secondly, the nature of the parade has indeed evolved. whilst it was a simple military march pass some performance thing yrs ago, it has become a full fledged spectacle nowadays. when i watch the parade, such as this year's, i couldnt help but notice how much it seemed like a pop concert, complete with a singer, music, dancers, a choir, even drummers. it has become a show, literally. even the fighter jet stuff and especially the fireworks, i somehow feel that it is slowly losing the essence of what the parade should be about.
during this period of time, i have also realised something else. almost every coffee shop, and hence everywhere, one goes, one is bound to find a char siew rice stall. even if it is usually coupled with chicker rice. have u ever wondered where the term "char siew rice" evolved from? whilst yes in chi it is shao rou fan, in english it is technically speaking rice with roasted pork, or in broken english roasted pork rice. so where does "char siew rice" fit in, if its neither english nor chinese? my guess (no i have not bothered to do any research), is that it is a literal translation from some dialect. ok so my hokkien/cantonese is pretty much shitty, but dat doesnt really matter. what matters is this: we singaporeans have made it such that "char siew rice" is now a more appropriate term to call the dish than roasted pork rice. what does this represent? i belief this can be linked back to the issue of national identity. as much as the government is trying to create/enforce a national identity, it is eveidently not working. changing the national day song serves no purpose other than to advertise for some new singer. what i tink the government doesnt realise is that our true national identity lies in the smaller things in life. the char siew rice, the kua chap, the milo peng, the wa laus and the lahs. i believe the government should not try to stamp out these "indications" of a uncivilised or backward country, because it does afterall represent who we are. why is mr brown so popular? it is because he does wad the government doesnt. he brings it down to the pple. they can relate to him unlike the government. is the government is serious about building a nation with a strong national identity, i believe they would fare better not trying to act like a foreign country.
one people, one nation, one singapura, lah.
Monday, August 14, 2006
happy happy poo pi pi
haha i figured putting random song titles as post titles was/is rather pointless, so now i shall revert to titles that actually mean smthn, as is actually releveant to the post. ok at least some part of the title is.
so, TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: X 10000000000000000
haha. why? cos i pass chineseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaha. hey it came as a shock to me probably as much as lao shi herself. haha. aniwae, proded me got......50.5!!!!! muhahahahhaa. i gloat at my past shitty chi marks. hahaha. yes yes i am very happy. hey i mean if u jus passed and ure teacher tells u well done on improving, its smthn rite! haha.
ok on a not so happy not i got 33.5 for lang arts. its shit marks really. i noe i can do better.
ok ok so i now haf a great masterplan to study for eoys!! haha. i am inspired. inspiration is a really powerful thing. haha. so aniwae i'm like gonna spend every sat from now till the exams studying. ok so alot of pple prob won believe me, but trust me it shall be done. ok lets set myself some goals for eoys:
lang arts: >60% i tink its quite possible. i wan above 65%, so i'm gonna study very hard!!
chi: d7. dats all i need and all i want.
maths: hmm very difficult. i wan to score >55, but i'm not too sure i can. a pass will be ok already, but i'm still gonna work hard to score higher. i tink ima gonna get emergency tuition frmo my cuz.
physics: hm >60% bah. last yr can, and my physics isnt terribly terrible like my other sciences, so shld be can.
chem: hm. >45%? i tink its a realistic goal, considerin i prob aint up to even that standard yet.
bio: >45%. i tink this is managable, but considerin its 2 yrs work? i dunno.
ss: haha this one quite tough. ima aimin >65% - 70%. considerin i got 79 last yr, i tink i can manage a decent score. and i mean this yr ss not say alot of content lah. haha last yr it saved my sa and i tink it prob will again.
lit: gah. >55% would be good liao. maybe 60. i jus wan a decent score thats all.
yep. lets all have a minute of silence. 1....2.....3.....4............
so, TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: X 10000000000000000
haha. why? cos i pass chineseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaha. hey it came as a shock to me probably as much as lao shi herself. haha. aniwae, proded me got......50.5!!!!! muhahahahhaa. i gloat at my past shitty chi marks. hahaha. yes yes i am very happy. hey i mean if u jus passed and ure teacher tells u well done on improving, its smthn rite! haha.
ok on a not so happy not i got 33.5 for lang arts. its shit marks really. i noe i can do better.
ok ok so i now haf a great masterplan to study for eoys!! haha. i am inspired. inspiration is a really powerful thing. haha. so aniwae i'm like gonna spend every sat from now till the exams studying. ok so alot of pple prob won believe me, but trust me it shall be done. ok lets set myself some goals for eoys:
lang arts: >60% i tink its quite possible. i wan above 65%, so i'm gonna study very hard!!
chi: d7. dats all i need and all i want.
maths: hmm very difficult. i wan to score >55, but i'm not too sure i can. a pass will be ok already, but i'm still gonna work hard to score higher. i tink ima gonna get emergency tuition frmo my cuz.
physics: hm >60% bah. last yr can, and my physics isnt terribly terrible like my other sciences, so shld be can.
chem: hm. >45%? i tink its a realistic goal, considerin i prob aint up to even that standard yet.
bio: >45%. i tink this is managable, but considerin its 2 yrs work? i dunno.
ss: haha this one quite tough. ima aimin >65% - 70%. considerin i got 79 last yr, i tink i can manage a decent score. and i mean this yr ss not say alot of content lah. haha last yr it saved my sa and i tink it prob will again.
lit: gah. >55% would be good liao. maybe 60. i jus wan a decent score thats all.
yep. lets all have a minute of silence. 1....2.....3.....4............
Sunday, August 13, 2006
dessy's rule of life #1: live for no one but yourself
yep. dat is how i live my life. blame me for being selfish, but thats wad i believe in. i don haf many ideals. but those i have, i live by them. if perhaps more than anything else. which may explain why i'm so screwed up then. cos some of those ideals are very warped, yet i still live by them. its how i've become. 2 yrs is a long time to change. 2 yrs is a long time to not change. in that time i have rediscovered parts of myself, i have uncovered parts of myself, but most of all i have done away with parts of myself.
dessy's rule of life #2: never explain more than you need to.
yep. dat is how i live my life. blame me for being selfish, but thats wad i believe in. i don haf many ideals. but those i have, i live by them. if perhaps more than anything else. which may explain why i'm so screwed up then. cos some of those ideals are very warped, yet i still live by them. its how i've become. 2 yrs is a long time to change. 2 yrs is a long time to not change. in that time i have rediscovered parts of myself, i have uncovered parts of myself, but most of all i have done away with parts of myself.
dessy's rule of life #2: never explain more than you need to.
theres's no "i" in team
dessy's grand masterplan to maximise his pathetic $80 a month:
transport($40): $0.90 per day (to and from sch) x 20 sch days = $18.00
other expenses: $?.??
everything else($80)
mon: eat own food due to lousy break timings = $0.00
tues: eat chi food during first break ($2.20) + own food during 2nd break + own food during bio = $2.20 (reminder bring something to keep myself awake during lang arts)
wed: eat chicken rice ($1.90) + own food during only break = $1.90
thur: 1st break eat 2 bananas ($1) + drink many many water + eat chi food 2nd break ($2.20) = $3.20)
fri: eat chi food ($2.20) + 1 banana ($0.50) during only break = $2.70)
sat and sun: eat food out of the fridge.
everything x 4 = $40.0 me: 0_0
so technically i can actually save (80-40) + (40-about20) = $60.0 (!!!!!!!)
now since i can actually now save about 20 from the transport, the question is, WHERE IS THE OTHER FRIGGIN 40 BUCKS GOING???
ok now to answer my own question. lets analyse this month alone.
august expenses, not including school
homesick: take neos + macs + lousy food court hokkien mee - $13.50 thereabouts
11/8: movie arcade neos - 8 + 7 + 10 = 25
13/8: neos - 8 - 5 = $3
so after less than half a month i haf spent $41.50 outside of school. which helps explain why i haf like $20 left for the month.
ok so my masterplan shall allow me to save $60 a month of i don go out and shit. i shall do it.
dessy's grand masterplan to maximise his pathetic $80 a month:
transport($40): $0.90 per day (to and from sch) x 20 sch days = $18.00
other expenses: $?.??
everything else($80)
mon: eat own food due to lousy break timings = $0.00
tues: eat chi food during first break ($2.20) + own food during 2nd break + own food during bio = $2.20 (reminder bring something to keep myself awake during lang arts)
wed: eat chicken rice ($1.90) + own food during only break = $1.90
thur: 1st break eat 2 bananas ($1) + drink many many water + eat chi food 2nd break ($2.20) = $3.20)
fri: eat chi food ($2.20) + 1 banana ($0.50) during only break = $2.70)
sat and sun: eat food out of the fridge.
everything x 4 = $40.0 me: 0_0
so technically i can actually save (80-40) + (40-about20) = $60.0 (!!!!!!!)
now since i can actually now save about 20 from the transport, the question is, WHERE IS THE OTHER FRIGGIN 40 BUCKS GOING???
ok now to answer my own question. lets analyse this month alone.
august expenses, not including school
homesick: take neos + macs + lousy food court hokkien mee - $13.50 thereabouts
11/8: movie arcade neos - 8 + 7 + 10 = 25
13/8: neos - 8 - 5 = $3
so after less than half a month i haf spent $41.50 outside of school. which helps explain why i haf like $20 left for the month.
ok so my masterplan shall allow me to save $60 a month of i don go out and shit. i shall do it.
away from the sun
i sense it happenin. again.
today is a landmark in my life. for the first time in my life, i went somewhere to do work!!! actual school work! this is amazing. yay.
yesterday/today was rather interestin too. haha. how time flies i suppose. they say curiousity kills/ed the cat. i say curiously changed/saved my life.
we're all sure.
today is a landmark in my life. for the first time in my life, i went somewhere to do work!!! actual school work! this is amazing. yay.
yesterday/today was rather interestin too. haha. how time flies i suppose. they say curiousity kills/ed the cat. i say curiously changed/saved my life.
we're all sure.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
this love
oh fuck i jus realised i havent done hte stupid tnc shit. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.
i need divine intervention. really.
i need divine intervention. really.
in the end
gah for some queer reason i am suddenly very hyped to actually do all my (overdue plus ucrrent) work, excludin chi. this is wad i haf left:
lang arts:
sip proposal and actual project. jay will sit on me when i actually hand in my proposal
diff 3 diff 5 integration 4 assignments. i tink.
3 ws. CURRENT.
the experiment thingy.
some ws. CURRENT.
uh, ss? heh.
macbeth essay.
macbeth assignment (>.> its headin towards being a whole friggin term late. i tink this is a new record lah)
uh, everything since march 2005 - about 10 pieces of work
assignment. sian diao.
and to top it all off:
u noe wad that entails? thats 2 yrs worth of bio and 2 yrs worth of chem. and for gd emasure 2 yrs worth of lang arts too. serious i tink they are tryin to kil us.
am i dead or am i dead or am i dead.
god made man perfect. then he gave them the ability to think. genius.
lang arts:
sip proposal and actual project. jay will sit on me when i actually hand in my proposal
diff 3 diff 5 integration 4 assignments. i tink.
3 ws. CURRENT.
the experiment thingy.
some ws. CURRENT.
uh, ss? heh.
macbeth essay.
macbeth assignment (>.> its headin towards being a whole friggin term late. i tink this is a new record lah)
uh, everything since march 2005 - about 10 pieces of work
assignment. sian diao.
and to top it all off:
u noe wad that entails? thats 2 yrs worth of bio and 2 yrs worth of chem. and for gd emasure 2 yrs worth of lang arts too. serious i tink they are tryin to kil us.
am i dead or am i dead or am i dead.
god made man perfect. then he gave them the ability to think. genius.
cry for eternity
i realise i'm bloggin at such a strange rate its weird. ok dat statement didnt really make much sense. my point is that the way i am blogging, often as it is, its losing much relevance as a blog per se. its more like a stress reliever cum boredom reliever cum some other shit. because thats what it has become to me. a tool to fill up those little gaps in my life. got 10 mins to burn? blog. got a day to burn? blog even more.
this is rather stupid and depressing. not that i care really.
this is rather stupid and depressing. not that i care really.
if you could only see
i'm waiting for that one day,
where everything is told.
where every truth is said.
where there no longer are any secrets.
why we can all recollect and reflect,
and for everyone to hear,
tell the world everything you ever wanted.
everything u ever felt.
the hatred, longing, disgust,
all those emotions u haf ever tasted.
all the revelations,
whether they hurt or not,
it don matter no more.
for after that,
its all over.
theres nothing to care about anymore.
so why not jus go ahead and tell everyone?
yes i'm waiting for this day.
anticipating, yet dreading.
hoping it will arrive.
where everything is told.
where every truth is said.
where there no longer are any secrets.
why we can all recollect and reflect,
and for everyone to hear,
tell the world everything you ever wanted.
everything u ever felt.
the hatred, longing, disgust,
all those emotions u haf ever tasted.
all the revelations,
whether they hurt or not,
it don matter no more.
for after that,
its all over.
theres nothing to care about anymore.
so why not jus go ahead and tell everyone?
yes i'm waiting for this day.
anticipating, yet dreading.
hoping it will arrive.
haha for some strange reason the smell of my finger tips after playing acoustic guit for awhile reminds me of tamiya. somehow. haha. but i like the smell nonetheless.
ok i shall rant about some guitar shit now.
firstly, songs i cant stand playing cos of the effed up tuning.
1. iris. GRRRR. i snapped the g-string once when i was retuning it up. yes the open b is damn nice, but its damn screwed lah gah.
2. diary of jane. the friggin thing is 4 semitones down. FOUR. i really cant be bothered. its gonna be like loose as hell. den when i use the comp and up the thing four semitones, the vocals sound like crazy frog. WTF.
3. open ure eyes. the tuning is jus 0_0. dadadd. >< i tink the only feasible way to play this song is to actually use two high e strings and tune down. tuning a b string to d is wayyy mad.
secondly, songs that dont look that difficult but are actually terribly hard to play
1. hotel california. it isnt THATTTTT hard, in that the notes are relatively near. but the transitions are frig hard.
2. down to my last. go see the tabs. gah.
thridly, songs that are frig hard but frig nice.
1. curses. bleh.
2. open your eyes. gah.
3. franz ferdinand songs. the lead part are jus 0_0
4. sweet child. its jus the damn solos. bleh. but hey i can play rhythm :D (not dat its hard. its onyl 3 chords i tink)
bah. now my guit is in drop d one semiton down. after playing history. wee.
nb. i haven touched a single piece of work yet. sheet.
ok i shall rant about some guitar shit now.
firstly, songs i cant stand playing cos of the effed up tuning.
1. iris. GRRRR. i snapped the g-string once when i was retuning it up. yes the open b is damn nice, but its damn screwed lah gah.
2. diary of jane. the friggin thing is 4 semitones down. FOUR. i really cant be bothered. its gonna be like loose as hell. den when i use the comp and up the thing four semitones, the vocals sound like crazy frog. WTF.
3. open ure eyes. the tuning is jus 0_0. dadadd. >< i tink the only feasible way to play this song is to actually use two high e strings and tune down. tuning a b string to d is wayyy mad.
secondly, songs that dont look that difficult but are actually terribly hard to play
1. hotel california. it isnt THATTTTT hard, in that the notes are relatively near. but the transitions are frig hard.
2. down to my last. go see the tabs. gah.
thridly, songs that are frig hard but frig nice.
1. curses. bleh.
2. open your eyes. gah.
3. franz ferdinand songs. the lead part are jus 0_0
4. sweet child. its jus the damn solos. bleh. but hey i can play rhythm :D (not dat its hard. its onyl 3 chords i tink)
bah. now my guit is in drop d one semiton down. after playing history. wee.
nb. i haven touched a single piece of work yet. sheet.
anything anything
clap clap clap clap clap///
alright now, sing it!!!!
buda mee mee mee buda may may may
oh oh oh misu taroyo...
yea yea!
check it out
"How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read." - Karl Kraus
"We all have mental problems, it's just that some of us choose to show them." -Nathanael Huddleson
"Some people suffer from insanity, others just enjoy it." -Unknown
"If a person asks you where you are going tell them 'follow me, and you'll know when we get there.'" -Unknown
"To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition." - Woody Allen
"The internet is a great way to get on the net." - Bob Dole, Republican presidential candidate
"Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone you love.
Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
"For me there are only two type of women: goddesses and doormats." - Pablo Picasso
"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally." - W.C. Fields
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits" - Albert Einstein
"Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something." - Plato
seriously, pretentiousness aint my thang.
wee okay i shall spend the rest of today and tom, hopefully, chionging as much work as i possibly can. damn.
alright now, sing it!!!!
buda mee mee mee buda may may may
oh oh oh misu taroyo...
yea yea!
check it out
"How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read." - Karl Kraus
"We all have mental problems, it's just that some of us choose to show them." -Nathanael Huddleson
"Some people suffer from insanity, others just enjoy it." -Unknown
"If a person asks you where you are going tell them 'follow me, and you'll know when we get there.'" -Unknown
"To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition." - Woody Allen
"The internet is a great way to get on the net." - Bob Dole, Republican presidential candidate
"Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone you love.
Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
"For me there are only two type of women: goddesses and doormats." - Pablo Picasso
"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally." - W.C. Fields
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits" - Albert Einstein
"Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something." - Plato
seriously, pretentiousness aint my thang.
wee okay i shall spend the rest of today and tom, hopefully, chionging as much work as i possibly can. damn.
everybody hurts
seriously, i haf to quit youtubing so much. gah. watch these shits man. (nb. some of them prob only u bball peeps will get heh)
BIG ben hittin 3s (!!!!!):
1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9FI001EXKLg&mode=related&search= (and its a fickin 27 footer too!!!!!)
2. i cant get a link but theres a vid where he SWISHES a 3. form the goddam corner. gah
pure insanity and things u never thot they could do (esp ak-47 0_0):
plain weird:
its so sick its kinda freaky:
mad buzzer beaters:
more mad dishes (gah kidd and carter are wayyyyy too imba):
madass blockin:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=VxauCKNYqao&mode=related&search= (the most insanest block EVA!!! ok maybe not. but its very close)
gah i'm too lazy. point is all the above is da sick shit. oh and josh smith is an insane blocker. gah. and i tink alot of pple do not realise how well wade can actually block. i cant get the stsoudamire buzzer beater one out of my head argh.
u jus wan to die if ure a spurs fan:
haha i don haf the link but jus go rewatch the highlights from the 02 playoffs EH? hahahaha.
seriously, i haf to quit youtubing so much. gah. watch these shits man. (nb. some of them prob only u bball peeps will get heh)
BIG ben hittin 3s (!!!!!):
1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9FI001EXKLg&mode=related&search= (and its a fickin 27 footer too!!!!!)
2. i cant get a link but theres a vid where he SWISHES a 3. form the goddam corner. gah
pure insanity and things u never thot they could do (esp ak-47 0_0):
plain weird:
its so sick its kinda freaky:
mad buzzer beaters:
more mad dishes (gah kidd and carter are wayyyyy too imba):
madass blockin:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=VxauCKNYqao&mode=related&search= (the most insanest block EVA!!! ok maybe not. but its very close)
gah i'm too lazy. point is all the above is da sick shit. oh and josh smith is an insane blocker. gah. and i tink alot of pple do not realise how well wade can actually block. i cant get the stsoudamire buzzer beater one out of my head argh.
u jus wan to die if ure a spurs fan:
haha i don haf the link but jus go rewatch the highlights from the 02 playoffs EH? hahahaha.
Friday, August 11, 2006
seriously, i'm not sure why i even bother.
its like, its all so surreal.
almost like its happening again.
and again i find myself asking the same old damn question:
is it worth it?
haha thank you.
for a great memory.
for a great day.
for a great chance.
really, is it that hard to imagine?
does it really ask that much out of you?
all i'm asking is a little bit of understanding.
for once a little selflessness on your part.
but i dunno.
maybe it jus aint "like you" to be like that.
pity then.
i'm really sorry.
i don tink u understood me right,
but i apologise nonetheless.
i hope tho that u'd allow me to explain myself.
i'd even go so far as to say i deserve it.
hey mate. chill.
it aint all that bad.
hell ure life's a whole lot better den me,
believe it or not.
so don stress man.
it was fun.
it really was.
and we have some memories to keep too! :)
is it, is it not?
somehow i feel theres still this strange barrier.
its you, its me, its prob both of us.
i guess some things cant jus be forgotten jus like that huh.
yes i am selfish.
as hell.
but at least i'm willing to admit it.
at least i know where my flaws lie.
whether i change or not is another issue.
though some might argue, with reason,
maybe not choosing is worse den not knowing.
ignorance being better den ignoring.
i've come to realise this about myself.
beneath everything else,
i wan the chance to be nice.
to be with people i know i cannot dislike,
people i can see flaws,
but they jus slip away.
its like holding a rock versus holdin water.
some things, they are there, yet they arent.
i guess thats where the beauty really lies init?
haha i tink we still haf quite alot to talk about eh?
unfinishhed business, so called.
tho i guess u could say it will never be done ><
i really don take u shld keep blaming ureself for what has happened.
afterall, many a times its the fault of both parties.
giving without taking, taking without giving,
its both they same.
it doesnt make one more guilty than the other u noe...
i've prob said sorry a million times.
haha and i guess now i know why it took so long.
although i must admit its quite amazing how things have turned out,
considerin all thats happen.
much love yah.
loving the alien
its like, its all so surreal.
almost like its happening again.
and again i find myself asking the same old damn question:
is it worth it?
haha thank you.
for a great memory.
for a great day.
for a great chance.
really, is it that hard to imagine?
does it really ask that much out of you?
all i'm asking is a little bit of understanding.
for once a little selflessness on your part.
but i dunno.
maybe it jus aint "like you" to be like that.
pity then.
i'm really sorry.
i don tink u understood me right,
but i apologise nonetheless.
i hope tho that u'd allow me to explain myself.
i'd even go so far as to say i deserve it.
hey mate. chill.
it aint all that bad.
hell ure life's a whole lot better den me,
believe it or not.
so don stress man.
it was fun.
it really was.
and we have some memories to keep too! :)
is it, is it not?
somehow i feel theres still this strange barrier.
its you, its me, its prob both of us.
i guess some things cant jus be forgotten jus like that huh.
yes i am selfish.
as hell.
but at least i'm willing to admit it.
at least i know where my flaws lie.
whether i change or not is another issue.
though some might argue, with reason,
maybe not choosing is worse den not knowing.
ignorance being better den ignoring.
i've come to realise this about myself.
beneath everything else,
i wan the chance to be nice.
to be with people i know i cannot dislike,
people i can see flaws,
but they jus slip away.
its like holding a rock versus holdin water.
some things, they are there, yet they arent.
i guess thats where the beauty really lies init?
haha i tink we still haf quite alot to talk about eh?
unfinishhed business, so called.
tho i guess u could say it will never be done ><
i really don take u shld keep blaming ureself for what has happened.
afterall, many a times its the fault of both parties.
giving without taking, taking without giving,
its both they same.
it doesnt make one more guilty than the other u noe...
i've prob said sorry a million times.
haha and i guess now i know why it took so long.
although i must admit its quite amazing how things have turned out,
considerin all thats happen.
much love yah.
loving the alien
have a nice day
yay today was a good day. first i finally watched pirates. secondly i went played ddr, and i even managed a ss game!!! muhahahaha. i rock. heh. 92 combo seh bo... haha den thirdly i took neos ^^
kk i'm a happy piss of sheet. yay me.
somtimes i wonder,
have u been deceiving me all along.
no maybe we've both been deceiving each other all along.
u know, maybe its true.
some things never change.
kk i'm a happy piss of sheet. yay me.
somtimes i wonder,
have u been deceiving me all along.
no maybe we've both been deceiving each other all along.
u know, maybe its true.
some things never change.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
until the day i die
yay testerday was good day. well actually it wasnt, considerin i had to sit and watch the whole damn parade in tv. stupid really. but dats not hte point. the point is, I MADE 8 3S PLAYING BALL YSTD!1!1!1!1!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
hahah yes i am very happy. hell it only took my 40 mins. i even made 1 in a game ^^
weee i rock.
hahah yes i am very happy. hell it only took my 40 mins. i even made 1 in a game ^^
weee i rock.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
words for the lost soul
do you believe in true love?
do you believe in things lasting forever?
love, frenships, rivalries?
do you believe in god?
do you believe everything happens for a reason?
do you treasure what you have?
do you ever regret letting go of something?
do you ever wonder what might have been if u didnt give up that one time?
is there one person u treasure more than anyone else?
can this one person actually exist?
is there meaning in everything around us?
is there a need for us to understand everything that happens?
is ignorance necesserily a bad thing?
afterall, ignorance is bliss no?
do u ever doubt ure existance?
do u ever ask ureself,
maybe theres so much more you've yet to do?
have u ever proceeded even in doubt?
do you want to die?
or do u want to live forever?
wads ure goal in life?
would u ever be satisfied just making more and mroe money?
is riches the answer?
would u chase ure dreams and give up everything u have?
is anything worth it to give up ure life for?
wads wrong with dreaming?
have u ever felt useless?
have u ever felt used?
have u ever felt useful?
do u believe in perfection?
have u ever considered inperfection to be a good thing?
wad is overimperfection?
is there such a thing as perfect imperfection?
or imperfect perfection?
have u ever had more questions than answers?
have u ever felt there was no meaning in what u were doin?
have u ever found comfort in doing smthn meaningless?
have u ever asked youself why u choose when there are choices?
if u answer yes to all of the questions, you are positivevly crazy.
if u answer no to all the questions, you are negatively crazy.
if u haf both yes and no answers, u need to go listen to breaking benjamin.
and no this isnt just some cheapskate plug for breaking benjamin. theres actually some meaning. maybe.
do you believe in things lasting forever?
love, frenships, rivalries?
do you believe in god?
do you believe everything happens for a reason?
do you treasure what you have?
do you ever regret letting go of something?
do you ever wonder what might have been if u didnt give up that one time?
is there one person u treasure more than anyone else?
can this one person actually exist?
is there meaning in everything around us?
is there a need for us to understand everything that happens?
is ignorance necesserily a bad thing?
afterall, ignorance is bliss no?
do u ever doubt ure existance?
do u ever ask ureself,
maybe theres so much more you've yet to do?
have u ever proceeded even in doubt?
do you want to die?
or do u want to live forever?
wads ure goal in life?
would u ever be satisfied just making more and mroe money?
is riches the answer?
would u chase ure dreams and give up everything u have?
is anything worth it to give up ure life for?
wads wrong with dreaming?
have u ever felt useless?
have u ever felt used?
have u ever felt useful?
do u believe in perfection?
have u ever considered inperfection to be a good thing?
wad is overimperfection?
is there such a thing as perfect imperfection?
or imperfect perfection?
have u ever had more questions than answers?
have u ever felt there was no meaning in what u were doin?
have u ever found comfort in doing smthn meaningless?
have u ever asked youself why u choose when there are choices?
if u answer yes to all of the questions, you are positivevly crazy.
if u answer no to all the questions, you are negatively crazy.
if u haf both yes and no answers, u need to go listen to breaking benjamin.
and no this isnt just some cheapskate plug for breaking benjamin. theres actually some meaning. maybe.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
teh n00b speaks n00bshhit
haiz i shall proceed den to dream further. previously i did my dream acoustic set. npw i shall do my dream rock set. and hell i shall break it all up and include explanations!! ^^
dessy's dream rock set
intro - the sweet anthems:
1. sweet shild o mine - gnr (there really isnt any other way to start this set)
2. smells like teen spirit - nirvana (like duh)
ok change it up more melodic stuff
3. broken wings - alterbridge (change it up slightly)
4. if you could only see - tonic
5. everlong - foo fighters (great sing along song)
ok now to the depressing songs
6. demolition lovers - mcr (1 i <3 long songs 2 its a great song 3 its really depressing shit)
7. history - funeral for a friend
8. dont cry - gnr
9. diary of jane - breaking benjamin
now to the head bang stuff. considerin the previous 6 songs very little head-banging capacity.
10. miss murder - AFI (it jsu makes me want to get up and go crazy)
11. curses - bullet for my valentine (if u don yet noe how great this song is, do)
12. sweetness - jimmy eat world (its infectious)
13. anything anything - dramarama (i'll give u anything!!!!!!)
14. i alone - live
15. get it faster - jimmy eat world
16. heart shaped box - nirvana
ok den now some alt rock (the cool music :p)
17. somebody told me - the killers
18. take me out - franz ferdinand (i swear this is the ultimate dance track)
19. every you every me - placebo
20. dakota - streophonics
21. honest mistake - the bravery
hm ok back to abit more poppish rock which actually fit into a few categories
22. scars - papa roach (one of the best emo songs i know)
23. makedamnsure - taking back sunday
24. trees - the lovehammers/marty casey
25. come as you are - nirvana
26. blurry - puddle of mudd
27. if you could only see - tonic
outro - the classics
28. bohemian rhapsody - queen (yep yep rock anthem galore this song is tooo good)
29. work - jimmy eat world (because i love this song to bits)
30. november rain - gnr (i'd end the set with this cos its such a majestic song with sick solos and most importantly a great ending...)
wadeva the hell i feel like doin :D hm i'd like to play that thing u do tho. cos it'll be fun. haha. oh and perfect situation too.
yes so u haf it my ultimate rock set. its my life long ambition to get this, or part of it, done one day. anyone willing to assist me in any way possible, i'll love u. if i don already do that is. haha. dream dream.
dessy's dream rock set
intro - the sweet anthems:
1. sweet shild o mine - gnr (there really isnt any other way to start this set)
2. smells like teen spirit - nirvana (like duh)
ok change it up more melodic stuff
3. broken wings - alterbridge (change it up slightly)
4. if you could only see - tonic
5. everlong - foo fighters (great sing along song)
ok now to the depressing songs
6. demolition lovers - mcr (1 i <3 long songs 2 its a great song 3 its really depressing shit)
7. history - funeral for a friend
8. dont cry - gnr
9. diary of jane - breaking benjamin
now to the head bang stuff. considerin the previous 6 songs very little head-banging capacity.
10. miss murder - AFI (it jsu makes me want to get up and go crazy)
11. curses - bullet for my valentine (if u don yet noe how great this song is, do)
12. sweetness - jimmy eat world (its infectious)
13. anything anything - dramarama (i'll give u anything!!!!!!)
14. i alone - live
15. get it faster - jimmy eat world
16. heart shaped box - nirvana
ok den now some alt rock (the cool music :p)
17. somebody told me - the killers
18. take me out - franz ferdinand (i swear this is the ultimate dance track)
19. every you every me - placebo
20. dakota - streophonics
21. honest mistake - the bravery
hm ok back to abit more poppish rock which actually fit into a few categories
22. scars - papa roach (one of the best emo songs i know)
23. makedamnsure - taking back sunday
24. trees - the lovehammers/marty casey
25. come as you are - nirvana
26. blurry - puddle of mudd
27. if you could only see - tonic
outro - the classics
28. bohemian rhapsody - queen (yep yep rock anthem galore this song is tooo good)
29. work - jimmy eat world (because i love this song to bits)
30. november rain - gnr (i'd end the set with this cos its such a majestic song with sick solos and most importantly a great ending...)
wadeva the hell i feel like doin :D hm i'd like to play that thing u do tho. cos it'll be fun. haha. oh and perfect situation too.
yes so u haf it my ultimate rock set. its my life long ambition to get this, or part of it, done one day. anyone willing to assist me in any way possible, i'll love u. if i don already do that is. haha. dream dream.
happy f'in birthday singapore. eat shid.
today u further stand by my claim that dota is stupid and for losers. ok maybe not reaaalllly for losers, but it is stuipd alright. firstly, there is no story. the game is jus so duh. den theres no continuity value. its like u lvl up den etc etc once hte game end u start all over again. wheres hte fun in that?? thridly, when u die u jus respawn. thats...cheap. i much prefer diablo, old as the game is. hell even the original warcraft is better. in diablo there is a story, and leveling up actually carries on the next time u play.
gah dota is dumb. i don get wads so bleedin attractive/addictive/enticing about it.
ok rant over. back to serious stuff.
which is notin much really heh.
gah dota is dumb. i don get wads so bleedin attractive/addictive/enticing about it.
ok rant over. back to serious stuff.
which is notin much really heh.
Monday, August 07, 2006
what does one do when boredom sets in?
gah i am soooooooo bored.... i tink i am soon gonna die of boredom.
ok come on i shall make a list of things to do when i'm bored:
1. listen to music. ah duh. my music is always on...
2. blog. wooheee.
3. spam random people. heh.
4. uh, play my guit? but i'm even too bored to do dat. pig me. (ahhaha pun on big me aiyo ok not funny ><)
5. hm. find music scores. but theres been notin new lately.
6. dload stuff. but my ares is so shit now i dunno wtf is up but point is i cant dload shit.
7. surf random websites. i might and prob will resort to this soon.
8. oh yes blog surf. been there done that. if pple blog as often as i do maybe blog surfin might actually be interesting.
9. bang my head against the wall? it might come to that ><
10. hmmm. oh yes dream. dream about everything i aspire to be. heh.
11. read i guess. or rather re-read. its like i haf prob read most books i haf at least 3-4 times ><
12. write. but my tendencies to write has sharply declined.
13. sleep. but i'm too lazy to. ugh.
14. i dunno. i really dont.
i'm REALLY need a life quite badly >.>
ok come on i shall make a list of things to do when i'm bored:
1. listen to music. ah duh. my music is always on...
2. blog. wooheee.
3. spam random people. heh.
4. uh, play my guit? but i'm even too bored to do dat. pig me. (ahhaha pun on big me aiyo ok not funny ><)
5. hm. find music scores. but theres been notin new lately.
6. dload stuff. but my ares is so shit now i dunno wtf is up but point is i cant dload shit.
7. surf random websites. i might and prob will resort to this soon.
8. oh yes blog surf. been there done that. if pple blog as often as i do maybe blog surfin might actually be interesting.
9. bang my head against the wall? it might come to that ><
10. hmmm. oh yes dream. dream about everything i aspire to be. heh.
11. read i guess. or rather re-read. its like i haf prob read most books i haf at least 3-4 times ><
12. write. but my tendencies to write has sharply declined.
13. sleep. but i'm too lazy to. ugh.
14. i dunno. i really dont.
i'm REALLY need a life quite badly >.>
of queer nights and queerer lights
last nite was quite weird. yes it was. a night where someone ask u how he/she shld feel after a break up, someone bringing up a rather painful past, where apologies were made, were you're tokin about bras and g-strings at 1am, when you/re reminiscing about the past, when you talk for the first time in ages, when it all happens, yes it equates to a very strange nite.
its so funny eh?
maybe, maybe its all meant to be like this.
its a pity that those times, they are all gone.
and yet maybe its a blessing.
yea history has this strange tendency to want to repeat itself.
and you know, maybe it will work out after all.
just like the way we miss each other.
its so funny eh?
maybe, maybe its all meant to be like this.
its a pity that those times, they are all gone.
and yet maybe its a blessing.
yea history has this strange tendency to want to repeat itself.
and you know, maybe it will work out after all.
just like the way we miss each other.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
to understand, you must first learn how to learn how to read
and here i am, almost 2 years on and a different person.
lifes been a whole lot of up to downs.
they say heaven aint close in a place like this,
and yet i have come to realise,
the distinctions between heaven hell and our mortal realm,
there really isnt much to it...
can one, in such a short time,
tranverse heaven hell and everything in between,
all while being the same man he used to be?
its so funny, when we all began as strangers.
made to lie together, to know the pain of each other,
to realise that at the end of everything,
we're all but strangers.
once a stranger, always a stranger.
i dont regret, but i do wish some things were different.
things said when they shouldnt,
actions that werent forthcoming when they should,
its all in there isnt it?
really its the worst way to enjoy life,
knowing theres another life out there for you.
knowing that everything u haf,
everything u ever wanted,
it was and will never be enough.
what does one do when you're stuck?
right in between here and there.
you know, there are somethings that should be said,
and then there are things that should forever be hidden.
how does one distinguish them then?
essentially that is what a dilemna is right.
a choice of neither over either.
she said you are there,
i said i am everywhere.
he said she's stuck on you,
it must have been a pity it never really happened.
cos she knew, he knew, i knew, we all knew,
its really didnt look right.
there really was nothing in it for anyone.
i must say i still miss those moments of quiet,
those times where the world seemed still,
almost like we were stuck in a vacuum of sorts.
but vacuums dont exist,
and hence it never will.
its quite queer the degeneration of sorts,
everything that have contributed too this great big hole.
black hole.
even if there was more for us in this life,
we will always look back and tell ourselves,
it could have been a whole lot of this and that.
also the times of sheer madness and joy,
they are all gone now.
now it feels so messed up,
so alone.
its not that i cannot live at all,
but sometimes i stumble when i crawl.
the obscenities of life they all come back to haunt all of us.
i must be happy for u all,
for finding greater things in life,
for discovering new direction.
but stay awhile and pity me would you,
me stuck in my past,
slowly letting myself down, into the deep yellow sea.
we werent right, we werent wrong,
we were something else altogether.
i admit girl, many a times i was wrong.
yet u stood by me for so long,
and for that i am eternally grateful.
yet it went wrong,
though maybe it is like this.
everything must go wrong before we can all move on.
it hurt, knowing i didnt do as i shld,
knowing that ever since,
it never really has been the same again.
so where do we go now?
honestly, i'm not terribly sure.
you know i've come to understand one thing.
the thing about friends, they hardly ever last.
at least friends that you see on a daily basis.
jus tink about it. you are spendin essentially about a quarter of a day
looking at these pple, living with these pple.
you noe, i tink thats why msn is so bleedin great.
it lets you talk to your frens in a very sterile environment,
one that lets you say things you normally dont.
and of course, not counting video conferencing,
you dont see their faces.
over time i tink pple generally tend to get sick of things they see,
like pple's faces. and thats when it all falls apart.
do you know what happens when an albino eats a mosquito?
i dunno either. if you do pls come tell me.
its almost like how its really impractical to get a ferrari and a lamborghini together.
so i guess i'll jus live with it.
yes it makes me weep,
but dont you cry tonight,
cos theres always a tomorrow.
lifes been a whole lot of up to downs.
they say heaven aint close in a place like this,
and yet i have come to realise,
the distinctions between heaven hell and our mortal realm,
there really isnt much to it...
can one, in such a short time,
tranverse heaven hell and everything in between,
all while being the same man he used to be?
its so funny, when we all began as strangers.
made to lie together, to know the pain of each other,
to realise that at the end of everything,
we're all but strangers.
once a stranger, always a stranger.
i dont regret, but i do wish some things were different.
things said when they shouldnt,
actions that werent forthcoming when they should,
its all in there isnt it?
really its the worst way to enjoy life,
knowing theres another life out there for you.
knowing that everything u haf,
everything u ever wanted,
it was and will never be enough.
what does one do when you're stuck?
right in between here and there.
you know, there are somethings that should be said,
and then there are things that should forever be hidden.
how does one distinguish them then?
essentially that is what a dilemna is right.
a choice of neither over either.
she said you are there,
i said i am everywhere.
he said she's stuck on you,
it must have been a pity it never really happened.
cos she knew, he knew, i knew, we all knew,
its really didnt look right.
there really was nothing in it for anyone.
i must say i still miss those moments of quiet,
those times where the world seemed still,
almost like we were stuck in a vacuum of sorts.
but vacuums dont exist,
and hence it never will.
its quite queer the degeneration of sorts,
everything that have contributed too this great big hole.
black hole.
even if there was more for us in this life,
we will always look back and tell ourselves,
it could have been a whole lot of this and that.
also the times of sheer madness and joy,
they are all gone now.
now it feels so messed up,
so alone.
its not that i cannot live at all,
but sometimes i stumble when i crawl.
the obscenities of life they all come back to haunt all of us.
i must be happy for u all,
for finding greater things in life,
for discovering new direction.
but stay awhile and pity me would you,
me stuck in my past,
slowly letting myself down, into the deep yellow sea.
we werent right, we werent wrong,
we were something else altogether.
i admit girl, many a times i was wrong.
yet u stood by me for so long,
and for that i am eternally grateful.
yet it went wrong,
though maybe it is like this.
everything must go wrong before we can all move on.
it hurt, knowing i didnt do as i shld,
knowing that ever since,
it never really has been the same again.
so where do we go now?
honestly, i'm not terribly sure.
you know i've come to understand one thing.
the thing about friends, they hardly ever last.
at least friends that you see on a daily basis.
jus tink about it. you are spendin essentially about a quarter of a day
looking at these pple, living with these pple.
you noe, i tink thats why msn is so bleedin great.
it lets you talk to your frens in a very sterile environment,
one that lets you say things you normally dont.
and of course, not counting video conferencing,
you dont see their faces.
over time i tink pple generally tend to get sick of things they see,
like pple's faces. and thats when it all falls apart.
do you know what happens when an albino eats a mosquito?
i dunno either. if you do pls come tell me.
its almost like how its really impractical to get a ferrari and a lamborghini together.
so i guess i'll jus live with it.
yes it makes me weep,
but dont you cry tonight,
cos theres always a tomorrow.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
its in my dreams for you and me
every half decent guitarist shld go listen to dragonforce. they are so technically l33t its friggin scary. i mean their songs are not bad, very long (i like) and the guitar work is MADDDDD!!!!!!!
oh and btw anyone who doesnt watch rockstar doesnt deserve to cal himherself a rocker.
oh and rocker poseurs SUCK SO BAD. j00s is teh pathetic n00bs...
oh and btw anyone who doesnt watch rockstar doesnt deserve to cal himherself a rocker.
oh and rocker poseurs SUCK SO BAD. j00s is teh pathetic n00bs...
come as you are, as you... wad??
haiz watching rockstar is depressing. why? cos it lets u dream about becoming a rocker you'll never be >< but hey everyone can dream a little dream rite? :D
so i shall dream. i dream of playing (with some people i tink) a acoustic set some time in my life. so,
dessy's dream acoustic set
1. come as you are - nirvana
2. wonderwall - oasis
3. with arms wide open - creed
4. everlong - foo fighters
5. the middle - jimmy eat world
6. dont cry - gnr
7. heart shaped box - nirvana
8. creep - radiohead
9. losing my religion (piano) - rem (although i prob mean the ryan star version :P)
10. iris - goo goo dolls
11. tear in heaven - eric clapton
12. hotel california - eagles (hey we can all dream eh :P)
13. my immortal (piano) - evanescence
14. storm - lifehouse
15. if you could only see - tonic
16. diary of jane (piano) - breaking benjamin
yep. if i ever somehow get to play that set i'd die a VERY happy man.. :)
so i shall dream. i dream of playing (with some people i tink) a acoustic set some time in my life. so,
dessy's dream acoustic set
1. come as you are - nirvana
2. wonderwall - oasis
3. with arms wide open - creed
4. everlong - foo fighters
5. the middle - jimmy eat world
6. dont cry - gnr
7. heart shaped box - nirvana
8. creep - radiohead
9. losing my religion (piano) - rem (although i prob mean the ryan star version :P)
10. iris - goo goo dolls
11. tear in heaven - eric clapton
12. hotel california - eagles (hey we can all dream eh :P)
13. my immortal (piano) - evanescence
14. storm - lifehouse
15. if you could only see - tonic
16. diary of jane (piano) - breaking benjamin
yep. if i ever somehow get to play that set i'd die a VERY happy man.. :)
Friday, August 04, 2006
some bastard is some bastard
yes some bastard pissed me offed real bad today. REAL bad. there was this asshole we were playing ball with jus now. he was an aboslute fucker. i mean granted him ball was pretty gd, but he's damn haolian. den his face like kock also see liao wan to punch him. to top it all off, he said this one thing dat really made me want to punch him. he was like "eh don associate me with ip kids." after he said that i made it a point to defend him and basically jus whack him. sad lah he humji run away, or else i would have whacked him summore for sure. bastard. i tell u if i ever play with him again i make sure i will woop his balls... grrr. i hate lousy cocky fucking bastards like him. real assholes...i cant believe fucked up idiots like him are even allowed into vj. rawr. and honestly i'd also not want to be associated with fucked up dicks like him.
on another note, today was a terrible bballing day. its was absolute shit. i couldnt shoot, couldnt score from inside, didnt get a single block, hardly rebounded and only got like 2 steals. dats jus sad. the only plus is i made 3 3s, although they werent in game. gah. but soccer was quite ok. although i made quite a few mistakes, i'm still quite happy. cos i had one damn nice sliding tackle + wrestle the ball away with my legs, and also a pretty sweet solo effort :P haha. at least i scored one goal today (:
bah i'm disgusted.
on another note, today was a terrible bballing day. its was absolute shit. i couldnt shoot, couldnt score from inside, didnt get a single block, hardly rebounded and only got like 2 steals. dats jus sad. the only plus is i made 3 3s, although they werent in game. gah. but soccer was quite ok. although i made quite a few mistakes, i'm still quite happy. cos i had one damn nice sliding tackle + wrestle the ball away with my legs, and also a pretty sweet solo effort :P haha. at least i scored one goal today (:
bah i'm disgusted.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
aiya this is quite sad. so far i have seen 2 girls from my side of the block in my condo who are quite pretty. dunno how old, dunno names, know schools, one know unit, one know floor. gah this is quite sad. almost like the toot mrt girl of laster years. or was it early this yr? i dunno liao. ><
you're too good to be true.
you're too good to be true.
as i burn another page
GAH. i cant wait for the damn eoys to be over. ok i shall make a to-do list of post eoy activities.
1. BUY AN ELEC. somehow somewhere someway i'll make sure this is done. i'll prob go beg my parents to buy for me first den i pay them back. gah i am desperate for an elec.
2. go jam with char at her crib. it'll be sooo fun heh :D
3. go play ddr!!!! rawr i am deprived.
4. find a job or two. yea obviously to fund all my activities i need money so i need to earn moeny so i need to work. i tink i need to make around 600 min for my hols spending. cos my guit will prob cost me 400 plus already. den i still wan to shop for clothes and dvds and all kinds of random shit. including food ><
5. play alot alot alot alot alot of guitar. i noe i will.
6. master diary of jane on the piano. somehow. although i have a feeling this won happen. i'm not a man of patience.
7. play soccer. yea i'm deprived on the one sport i love the most.
8. play bball. yep yep. prob meet up with vs pals, and hopefully also play with the usual gang.
9. go jammin with pple. gah i want. stupid daniel suppose to go in march until now haven go yet ><
10. go play lan. yea yea.
11. read. i wan to at least finish my book, and prob pick up a few novels here and there. i doubt i will finish the bible >< too sian.
12. play lots of diablo :P (yisong on?)
13. SHOP!!!!!! i havent shopped in the longest time.
14. meet up with frens. i need to really.
obviously for all the above to happen i need to do decently for my eoys and overalls. hence i shall keep this as inspiration and motivation in pushing myself to work relatively hard for my exams.
1. BUY AN ELEC. somehow somewhere someway i'll make sure this is done. i'll prob go beg my parents to buy for me first den i pay them back. gah i am desperate for an elec.
2. go jam with char at her crib. it'll be sooo fun heh :D
3. go play ddr!!!! rawr i am deprived.
4. find a job or two. yea obviously to fund all my activities i need money so i need to earn moeny so i need to work. i tink i need to make around 600 min for my hols spending. cos my guit will prob cost me 400 plus already. den i still wan to shop for clothes and dvds and all kinds of random shit. including food ><
5. play alot alot alot alot alot of guitar. i noe i will.
6. master diary of jane on the piano. somehow. although i have a feeling this won happen. i'm not a man of patience.
7. play soccer. yea i'm deprived on the one sport i love the most.
8. play bball. yep yep. prob meet up with vs pals, and hopefully also play with the usual gang.
9. go jammin with pple. gah i want. stupid daniel suppose to go in march until now haven go yet ><
10. go play lan. yea yea.
11. read. i wan to at least finish my book, and prob pick up a few novels here and there. i doubt i will finish the bible >< too sian.
12. play lots of diablo :P (yisong on?)
13. SHOP!!!!!! i havent shopped in the longest time.
14. meet up with frens. i need to really.
obviously for all the above to happen i need to do decently for my eoys and overalls. hence i shall keep this as inspiration and motivation in pushing myself to work relatively hard for my exams.
caught between rock and a soft place
gah. i am in dilemna. i cant decided which is better - the original or acoustic version of diary of jane. becos they are both SUPER songs. grrr. its like the original is like head banging kind of shit, whereas the acoustic i tink can listen until cry lah.
this is so sad.
this is so sad.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
ryan star is godlike. RAWR. i am like so jealous. his rendition of losing my religion is WAYYYYY too good. gah. he can play guit, piano and sing. i am sooo jealous sigh.
ok now i officially support dilana ryan and toby.
zz today i so called played tennis for the first time in months or years or centuries or smthn. and i realise my tennis has degenrated from bad to absolutely shitty. yay. this is quite sad. and i tink next yr i'll go join hockey. heh ^^
breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin i <3>breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin i <3>breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin
ok now i officially support dilana ryan and toby.
zz today i so called played tennis for the first time in months or years or centuries or smthn. and i realise my tennis has degenrated from bad to absolutely shitty. yay. this is quite sad. and i tink next yr i'll go join hockey. heh ^^
breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin i <3>breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin i <3>breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin breaking benjamin
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
how interestin ><
today i learnt smthn new. NEVER SLEEP WITH URE LEGS RAISED MORE THAN 25 DEGREES OFF THE GROUND, EVEN IF ITS FOR JUS 5 MINS... i learnt my lesson the hard way. i tink its like all the blood never flow there, so when i woke up and proceeded to move, DAMN IT HURT. it hurt really really bad. and only after 10 mins of movement including a jog to the toilet did it actually go away. rawr.
another thing. today i had cramps. or smthn to dat effect. my stomach felt and weird and painful and all. gah this is very freaky.
another thing. today i had cramps. or smthn to dat effect. my stomach felt and weird and painful and all. gah this is very freaky.
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