Wednesday, July 20, 2005

let it all drift away

chances dont come easily.
they never do.
so of what does it ask from me?
much as trying will do,
there comes a point when it doesnt matter anymore.
it makes not of a difference,
but a differential:
an infinitesimal increment in a variable.
it widens this berth already formed.
it deepens the trenches of disbelief,
of distrust and menace.
and every time i try to mend the broken bridge,
something, someone, will just come
and rip it all apart.
creation isnt difficult.
some say god did it.
wad bullshit.
but it really aint all dat hard.
the hardest part,
is to hold on to wad you have.
for it is always slipping away.

i try, but i really don noe how to.

i don hate.
i jus don noe how to love.

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