Tuesday, August 16, 2005

deservingly deprived

why type so small?
isnt there nothing to hide?
you tink you're funny don you?
maturity is all about the scale.
and you evidently don haf one.
age is no measure of maturity,
i noe.
but again, maturity is all in the mind,
and all in the actions.
jus how,
is giggling at the top of your voice,
squaring up with someone one head taller (albeit his face OVER yours),
swinging your (not very big/powerful) fist at someone with twice your strength,
trying to boss/be little(the irony) people you cant,
going "oh you're so nice" so many times,
claiming all the "rage"and "anger" (so called) trapped inside,
(waiting to be unleashed on the world? god save the world)
how you're oh so weak inside,
not wanting to "lose it" in front of girls,
repeating jokes after everyone has laughed at the first,
acting the big-shot you're not,
showing off in everything you do,
shouting across the classroom,
going on and on about yourself,
everytime, anytime. (people do roll their eyes)
THEN label others immature and the sort.
to suppose so much.
is this maturity??
if it is, den i'm glad you actually tink me immature.
thanks, cos i'd gladly stay young forever.
above all, it'll save me all the embarassment.

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