Monday, August 29, 2005

gang bang

the 10 kind of people i dislike and that irritate me, in no order of preference:

1. people who make empty promises. theres jus no point in them. after awhile the lies start to run dry.

2. people who pretend to do what they cant. its a boring act really...

3. show offs. its bloody irritatin, considering they hardly are any gd. i mean, if ure like in national team i notin to say, but if u suck? uh...

4. people who don noe when to shut up. its funny. the first time.

5. cheaters who don admit it. its against the very basic cheating mantras.

6. acbc people. c = chio, cute, clever. the point is, theres no use pretendin ure smthn u arent. unless, ure seriously disillusioned, theres a limit for everything.

7. people who cant hold an argument. actually, i don exactly dislike these kinds of people. they provide comic relief. BUT when ure put up against one, i tell u it sucks, and its fuckin painful. cos 1. it gets too funny for u to think about a proper rebuttal 2. when u do calm down u cant rebutt without sounding totaly duh or stupid.

8. egoistic fuckers. there are two kinds. those who noe it and those who don. those who noe it i still can stand. barely. but those who don even realise it, jialat. it gets to a point u can drown in the egos flyin around (mind u this is at times only one person).

9. suckers. as in parasites. people who suck of others. constantly, and deny it.

10. whiners. they are the worst. and its getting worst.

as u can tell, i haf a tendency to want to hate myself alot.
anyway those in question, if u noe who u are, pls tag my board and receive a free gift at the counter dude.

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