Thursday, September 01, 2005

all the things she said

even within the eng language, there are words with absoutely no meaning at all. not literally, but they haf no siignificance. GENERIC WORDS. (nb: this after some lang lesson last yr lol). i've learnt never to use any of this words. as much as possible.

1. nice.
2. good.
3. bad.
4. mean.
5. evil.
6. etc the words of this sort.

why? because there is no meaning fixed to the word. like, i'm nice. compared to osama of course i'm nice. there is signifcance in using the word. i've seen it so many times. "oh my ure so nice!". "omg ure very nice too!" "no no URE nice!" me: -_-"
jay taught us this last yr. if u must "express" the above ideas, you haf to show it. you cant jus go "oh ure mean..." and leave it at dat. mean? fuck mean. prove it or shove it.
it shows a few things: limited vocab, limited brain capacity, limited intellectual abiltiy, etc.

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