Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day of Change

check out this dude's name:

Richid Altmbareckhammou

so anyway, today is election day. there is now a black us president. we also know that racism is alive and kicking in america. my question is this: how many people voted for obama because he IS black? 

elections are never truly meritocrious. it is always a populartiy contest. i mean, why else would they get people like bruce springsteen and oprah to side with them? and truth be told, while i think obama is probably the better candidate, i also think mccain lost because of bush. bush was pretty much a total cock-up, and i really think it has hurt the republicans alot. mccain and obama didnt start this presidential campaign on the same level. 

now that obama is president, i want to see if he can deliver on his promises. he's got alot og american shit to clean up. 

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