Saturday, November 29, 2008

Floating On

i havent slept well in at least a month. this scares me, i never used to have real trouble sleeping. but then a month ago i started having trouble sleeping. i would lie in bed for an hour, unable to sleep. now, i fall asleep, but have trouble staying asleep. i've been waking up when the sky is still dark, because of the dreams i've been having. i keep having to wake up from my dreams, but in a way i guess it spares me from the real horror that may have come had i kept on dreaming. 

hello world, i've been losing my head. cant you tell? things have NOT been ok. i NEVER emphasise words in my sentences. i think it is quite STUPID. WHAT THE HELL. as of right now i am EXTREMELY exhausted, hence i am NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. WOE BE ME. 

i hate myself. when all else fails, hate thyself. even if you dont, do so anyway. at least its not as destructive as hating someone else, and then hating yourself cos you hate someone else. HATE THY SELF. 

nah, i'm just kidding. 

i am in no condition to do anything at all. 

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