Friday, November 28, 2008

green plastic watering can

reason has its limits. i never thought i'd admit to it, but i will now. 

today was so tiring. i am so burnt right now, i'm amazed i'm actually still awake. a part of me cannot comprehend why i'm doing all that i am. its not rational. i shouldnt be doing all these, but i am anyway. 

ok, so i dont know what i'm doing. i'm not sure if there's any point in trying to figure out if everything is right or wrong. sometimes, i think you just gotta risk it. some things never fully make sense,  but it doesnt mean that i shouldnt make any sense at all. something's better than nothing, and even if it isnt i'll keep telling myself that. if only this wasnt so selfish, if only there was some other way. 

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