Monday, November 24, 2008

The Missing

it gets harder with every passing day. 

today was pretty random. went to town, then to chinatown, then to huimin's house. ended up watching 6 episodes of oc season 4. as artificial as it may be, it's still appealing in the way they deal with very real issues, albeit in rather false ways. and kaitlin's still hot as ever. 

17 days left. there's alot i need to do i realise. prom is only a week away. wow. i didnt realise how close it is. prom better be fun. everyone else is going to be so boring, every guy is going to look generic. such a pity, i think costumes would be more fun. and besides prom, there's still lots of catching up to do. i want to play mahjong, i want to meet people i've lost touch with, i want to spend my days as occupied as possible. 

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