Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Title Number One

just stripped my blog of the template. let me think why...
1. i want my titles back. 
titles are important. titles set the tone of whatever is to come. and its also a really pretentious way to appear smart and philosophical. i mean, its very easy to think of one-liners that sound really smart, and then just fill up the post with rubbish. i always do that. i want my titles back. i want my one-liners back. 

2. i was getting bored with my old one.
i mean yes matt bellamy is all over it, but the blue and grey was actually quite hard on the eyes. i like white much better. and its less cluttered, and easier to manage i guess. which is always a plus. 

3. change of style.
i notice it already. it feels more open, less angsty and repressed. i actually feel like i'm talking to someone, instead of just myself. captive audience indeed. hey my language is improving too! now this is strange... 

4. neutrality. 
do i really need to explain? no, cos i understand what it means. that's good enough. 

5. i'm tired of ripping off other peoples' works
yeah, now i'm just ripping off blogger. but hey, at least they encourage me to do it. 

6. i've got nothing better to do right now.

truth be told, i thought of all those reasons (minus no 6) after changing the template. life is always better viewed in hindsight, because there's nothing you can do to change what has been done and decided. of course that isnt always true but hey, math is over. no one gets to argue with me. 

so everyone, all hail the return of the Title!

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